Monday, March 28, 2011

iPhoto Name

To find letters on the internet I used search words "the letter J" and just changed the letter if I wanted a different letter.

I learned how to make a slideshow on iPhoto.

I could use this if I was in a business and I wanted to show my boss and other workers the product that I think our business should sell.

I preferred this project more because it was more enjoyable.

I transformed the individual letter to make a whole word. I also took the music and added pictures to it.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Merged Charity Letter

My business is Caterpillar and my charity is Banking on Africa.

I told them that 300 million kids in Africa go to bed hungry everyday.

I learned how to make a letter merge so it will say the correct name of the person it is sent to so I don't have to type out every name on the letters.

The easiest part was making the contact list. The most difficult part was finding a charity.

A coach could use this to mail his players schedules.

I learned that 300 million kids in Africa go to bed hungry everyday.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

M&M Reflection


2. Anything that determines or serves as a pattern.

3. I used the 3D pie chart.

4. I learned how to use AutoSum. I also learned how to use the charts.

5. I used colors to represent the color of M&Ms in the bags.

6. Another thing I could use Excel for is a calendar. I could also use it to keep track of my homework for each week.

Monday, March 14, 2011

About Me

1. In this class I hope to learn how I can use my Mac for more productive uses.

2. I prefer for you to put my grades up on NetClassroom.

3. This is a picture of Lionel Messi who is the best soccer player in the world. I put a picture of him because I play soccer as well.